Cooking with Purpose: Nourishing the Soul One Meal at a Time

Marquis Arnold
4 min readSep 16, 2024

Cooking is often more than just a practical necessity — it can serve as a powerful form of therapy and self-expression. As a 33-year-old from Columbus, Ohio, my culinary journey is deeply intertwined with my family heritage, particularly from my mother’s side, which hails from Camilla, Georgia. For many Black families from the South, cooking transcends mere sustenance; it represents love, tradition, and a way to connect with one another and our roots.

The Therapeutic Nature of Cooking

“Mindfulness and Focus”

A Distraction from Stress: Engaging in the process of preparing a meal allows the mind to enter a meditative state, focusing on the textures, colors, and aromas of ingredients. This mindful engagement can distract from daily stressors and help clear the mind.

Routine and Structure: Cooking often involves following recipes or creating plans, providing a sense of structure and routine that can be incredibly grounding during tumultuous times.

“Creative Expression”

Artistry in the Kitchen: Cooking enables individuals to express their creativity, whether through inventing new recipes or presenting food in visually striking ways. Each meal becomes a canvas, allowing for personal expression.



Marquis Arnold

Author, Poet, screenplay writer #ColumbusOhio Mental Health Advocate